The Study: How Geography Impacts Media Access, Usage and Engagement – A study to determine what impact the size of community a person lives in has on the accessibility, usage and engagement of specific media platforms. 750 Phone Interviews Between March 1 – March 15, 2018 Conducted by Random Sample: -150 Farms -150 Hamlets/Rural (Communities Under 1,000 Population) -150 Villages (1,000-5,000 Population) -150 Towns (5,000-10,000 Population) -150 Small Cities (10,000-50,000) The survey uses a probability sample of adults 18 years of age or older. The qualifying person in the household with the most recent birthday will be selected for the interview. For the Farmers segment, the questionnaire will screen for most recent birthday among those in the household involved in farming decisions. Maximum margin of error for 750 completions is ±3.6%. ABOUT THE SUPPLIER: Totum Research is Canada's leading research firm specializing in the media. Since 1985, Totum has produced reliable and actionable data for a wide variety of clients ranging from national daily newspapers to small market radio stations, from million+ circulation consumer magazines to e-commerce websites and from advertising agencies to multinational corporations. Totum has conducted marketing and communications research for beverage, information technology (IT), women's products, financial institutions, automotive and government departments.